Step into a world where brilliance meets innovation, where our staff and students shine, and our cutting-edge facilities are the backdrop to knowledge and discovery.

In our first ever made for television advertisement, we give you a glimpse into our institution, setting the stage for learning and research.

Join us on a journey to delve deeper, to explore the uncharted, and to uncover bold answers to the most profound questions of our time.

Cutting-edge earthquake research

In 2015, Nepal was rocked by a devastating earthquake. In the years since, researchers at the University of Bristol have developed infrastructure built to survive subsequent hazards, in the hopes of preventing further disasters.

Using our seismic shaking table, scale replicas of classrooms can be tested to see how they’ll perform in earthquake conditions.  

Our advert opens with staff and students using this incredible facility, that allows us to test our research before it goes out into the world - transforming the lives of those who live with the possibility, and consequences, of earthquakes everyday.

The people who make it happen

Our team is the cornerstone of our vision. The capacity to continually seek solutions, share knowledge worldwide, and ignite the curiosity of the next generation involves a diverse group of individuals, spanning academia, professional services, and technical positions.

Featuring in our opening scenes are Research Technician Mictroy Mitchell and Dr Flavia De Luca who carry out vital work in the Earthquake Engineering lab, contributing to the pursuit of safer infrastructure and sharing the importance of this research with students.

Where tradition and progressive thought come together

Located within a historically rich city, the University of Bristol showcases cutting-edge research facilities and study areas. Whether you opt for the laboratory or the library, a wealth of resources awaits your exploration.

Our film spotlights the iconic Wills Memorial Building, centrally located in the city, housing expansive libraries and teaching spaces. In a seamless fusion of history and technology, our scene set in the Will's Library hints at the rich historical tapestry in the backdrop, while CGI planets emerging from the books highlight how we embrace the future of technology.

Although the Wills Memorial Building is one of our more recognisable spaces, it is just the beginning of what our city campus offers.

Upholding civic responsibilities

Social justice has many forms and can be found across multiple research disciplines here at the University of Bristol. From exposing migrant worker exploitation to demanding homes fit for habitation our work continually seeks ways to create a socially just world.

One of the academics who strives to do so is Professor Sheelagh McGuinness, whose work focuses on gender and the law in healthcare. Pictured in the Moot Court, one of our prominent law facilities, Sheelagh offers students the opportunity to participate in mock legal trials and get hands on court room experience.

Beyond the classroom, Sheelagh is embarking on a six-year research project using philosophical expertise to highlight patient voices in healthcare research and practice.  

Protecting our planet

Get back to nature in the heart of the city. Our Life Sciences laboratories allow staff to carry out research and teaching with cutting-edge technology and provide our students with a rich learning experience.

Supervised by leading academics such as Professor Steve Simpson, an authority on coral reefs, our postgraduates contribute to essential research projects.

And our work doesn’t stop at the classroom. In April, a collaboration of researchers, including Bristol PGR students and academics, discovered extensive, ancient coral reefs within the Galapagos Marine Reserve.  


This film was made possible by the willingness of our academic staff and students to volunteer their time and effort and to share their research with us.

Particular thanks go to Professors Steve Simpson, Sheelagh McGuinness, and Flavia de Luca, and Mr Mictroy Mitchell.